Is Ignorance Truly (Summer) Bliss?
When I think back to my lazy summers in elementary school, I think of large, melting Slurpees, rainbow chalk dusted palms, red scrapes and princess band-aids from falling off of my bike, and having absolutely no cares in the world. I didn't have any knowledge on pressing social issues, I didn't have an educated political stance, and if you asked me who the president was, I would've probably said Tinkerbell. The most important thing in the world to me at the time was whether I could remember my Animal Jam log-in or not. I can't remember exactly when that stopped being what summer felt like, but now, I only feel a deep sense of nostalgia-- and I'm sure it's the same for many of us. Over the summer, we compiled a list of 10 events that happened in the world. When I finally sat down to think of what I should write about, depressing news was the first to pop up in my mind. It wasn't a conscious decision at all-- it was simply what I remembered the most. When we c...