The Very Reasonable Driving Habits of Christian Men

Christian Man Persecuted Simply For Driving 90 Miles Per Hour In School Zone A Christian man?? Arrested?! Surely, our justice system has failed us. This satirical piece pokes fun at how news headlines can mislead an audience to believe something untrue. For example, that this man was targeted by the police because of his religious identity and not for the fact he was driving fast enough to effectively smush a child in his path. Although this article was written for satirical purposes, this effect, called ‘headline bias”, can have dangerous consequences when used to garner support for the wrong people. For example, in the world of news articles that proliferate rape culture, subtle changes in a perpetrator’s identity can question the credibility of victims or imply that they gave consent when they, in fact, did not— which all shapes whether a survivor is believed by the public or not. Instead of stating the name of a rapist, news articles could name the perpetrator a ‘hardworking stude...