Higher Conciousness
In Herman Hesse's Siddartha, the novel opens with the main character, Siddartha, being unsatisfied with the caliber of the religious teachings of his community. He feels as though book learning and attempting to step into enlightenment through the footsteps of others is not sufficient if he wants to experience true enlightenment. Connecting this concept of unteachable enlightenment to the 'higher consciousness' video by the School of Life, both share similar characteristics. Lower consciousness is the state we operate in everyday, where our thoughts are only consumed by worldly and materialistic thing having to do with out survival, success, etc. The neocortex is the part of the brain that deals with higher consciousness-- often, in times where we are not worried by the practical aspects and goal driven nature of the working day, like very early in the mornings or late at night right before sleep, we allow ourselves to take on a wider perspective of the world and abandon t...